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Blue Venetian Mask, Jesser Valzacchi
Author: JESSER VALZACCHI Title: Blue Venetian Mask Unframed: 70 x 50cm With frame: 73 x 53cm Date: 2023 Technique: Oil on canvas
Venetian Mask, by Jesser Valzacchi
Author: JESSER VALZACCHI Title: Red Venetian Mask Unframed: 70 x 50cm With frame: 73 x 53cm Date: 2023 Technique: Oil on canvas
Coroinhas, por Érico da Silva
ÉRICO DA SILVACoroinhasDimensões da tela: 70 x 50cmCom moldura: 80 x 60cmSem DataTécnica: Óleo sobre tela
Lyrical Vision, by Adelio Sarro
Author: ADELIO SARRO Title: Lyrical Vision Dimensions: 70 x 50cm With frame: 80 x 60cm Date: 1990 Technique: Oil on canvas
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