Title: Balance
Unframed: 54 x 55cm
With frame: 74 x 75cm
Date: 2009
Technique: Oil on linen
"I believe that balance in life is something that is constructed, which is why I work with these blocks. If you look at the painting, you will see that there is balance on both sides. This is something that is constructed. I seek this balance in my life because I am a very explosive and expansive person, and sometimes it is necessary to filter what one says, filter one's ideas. That is why I used a funnel on his head. The funnel represents this: the need to filter human ideas, to think more carefully about what one says and does, mainly. I always try to make my paintings have a stronger philosophical question than the image itself, because sometimes producing the image is easier than defining the concept. For me, it is also about producing philosophy, a philosophy of life."
- Luiz de Souza
Publication in Casa Vogue