Privacy Policy


1.1 The company GALERIA DE ARTE UM LUGAR AO SOL is in compliance with Law 13,709/2018 - General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and through this term sets out its Policy to protect the data of holders processed in its physical stores and online store (e-commerce).

1.2 When following the LGPD guidelines for the processing of personal data, the company is based on the principles established by legislation regarding (I) – respect for privacy, (II) informational self-determination; (III) - freedom of expression, information, communication and opinion; (IV) - the inviolability of privacy, honor and image; (V) - economic and technological development and innovation; (VI) - free enterprise, free competition and consumer protection; and (VII) - human rights, the free development of personality, dignity and the exercise of citizenship by natural persons.

1.3 The operation involving data collected from individuals is protected by systems developed by the area responsible for information security, by the company's legal commitment to strict compliance with legislation and training of operators responsible for data processing.

1.4 The personal data of customers, employees, partners and suppliers collected by the company GALERIA DE ARTE UM LUGAR AO SOL is intended to carry out the sale of products online and in physical stores, especially for the delivery of purchased materials, that is, data processing is a condition for compliance with tax legislation in the provision of the company's products and services. Financial data is processed to enable payment and/or financing, analysis and granting of credit, for the issuance of tax documents, with the holder's authorization, for sending informative messages (purchases, deliveries, promotions and campaigns), for the provision of various services (deliveries and orders with suppliers) and for the preparation of budgets.

1.5 Personal data will be kept in digital files until the transaction is completed and, if authorized by the holder of the personal data, may remain in databases for forwarding and communication of promotions.

1.6 The company is responsible for complying with Law No. 13,709/2008, including in relation to any requests from the holder regarding confirmation, alteration, access, correction of data, if inaccurate or outdated, anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary data.

1.7 The holder who has the data processed by the company GALERIA DE ARTE UM LUGAR AO SOL is guaranteed the following rights, as set out in art. 18 of the General Data Protection Law:

- Confirmation of the existence of treatment;

- Access to data;

- Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;

- Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data or data processed in non-compliance with the provisions of this Law;

- Portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing commercial and industrial secrets;

- Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder;

- Information on public and private entities with which the controller shared data;

- Information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of refusal;

- Revocation of consent.

- To exercise the rights guaranteed by law, we provide a direct channel so that the data subject can contact the Data Controller.


2.1 The company GALERIA DE ARTE UM LUGAR AO SOL uses cookies, which are internet files that temporarily store your interaction with the virtual environment in order to facilitate navigation through the websites and inform you of data of interest to you. Cookies allow us to evaluate advertising and the success of promotions indicated on the website.

2.2 The browser may store your data during the period in which you browse the website or for a longer period.

2.3 The use of cookies requires consent and by enabling this functionality you can personalize your visit to the virtual environment, but there is the possibility of disabling this function in your browser, which may result in the loss of some website functionality and, at times, prevent navigation.


3.1 The customer or partner may choose to provide GALERIA DE ARTE UM LUGAR AO SOL with their email address, cell phone number or other electronic contact details that will be used to send documents related to the business, such as electronic invoices and information about the purchase (forwarding, checking the status of the order and confirmation of delivery). The function of sending information about promotions of interest to the customer electronically may be disabled at the discretion of the customer or partner.


4.1 In the event of any change to the privacy policy contained in this term, the holders will be informed in advance through institutional communication channels in an express manner, and it is important that the User remains attentive to communications made through electronic platforms and verifies any possible changes.

4.2 Such modifications may be communicated in advance to Customers and Partners.

4.3 So that the User of our platforms can resolve any doubts about the use of their personal data, we provide the contact details of the Data Protection Officer at the end.


5.1 The company GALERIA DE ARTE UM LUGAR AO SOL is responsible for data processing under the terms of this Policy.

5.2 Thank you for reading our Privacy Policy and if you have any questions about the processing or to change your data, please contact our Data Protection Officer: Mr. Leonardo Mitrut by email: