Illustration for the book Desabrigo by Antonio Fraga, by Poty Lazzarotto
Regular price
R$ 6.500,00
Author: POTY LAZZAROTTO Title: Illustration for the book Desabrigo by Antonio Fraga Dimensions: 30 x 22cm With frame: 48 x 40cm Date: Not Available Technique: India ink on paper
Poty Lazzarotto
Illustration for the book Desabrigo by Antonio Fraga, by Poty Lazzarotto
Regular price
R$ 6.500,00
Author: POTY LAZZAROTTO Title: Illustration for the book Desabrigo by Antonio Fraga Dimensions: 30 x 22cm With frame: 48 x 40cm Date: Not Available Technique: India ink on paper
Poty Lazzarotto
Illustration for the book Desabrigo by Antonio Fraga, by Poty Lazzarotto
Regular price
R$ 6.500,00
Author:POTY LAZZAROTTO Title: Illustration for the book Desabrigo by Antonio Fraga Dimensions: 30 x 22cm With frame: 48 x 40cm Date: Not Available Technique: India ink on paper
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